Graduating is one thing, graduating with a job and a promising career path is another. Jaden Mason and Ryan Williams graduated from Longview Community College’s ASSET program in 2023. Instead of joining the job market, they are further establishing their service technician careers through full-time positions at their respective Ford dealerships.
Mason graduated on top of his class with a 4.0 GPA and is now working at Midway Ford Truck Center. Excelling throughout the ASSET curriculum has paved the way for Mason to launch his career right away and receive a new Snap On tool chest provided by RA Long Foundation. David Patience, ASSET Instructor at Longview Community College, took notice of Mason’s passion and said:
“Jaden has earned every point of his 4.0 GPA. He always read the chapter, he always did the homework, he was always the last one done with the test. It has been a pleasure to watch Jaden learn and grow.”
Ryan Williams is going from ASSET to a Ford dealership as well. This year, he is putting his training and technician knowledge to work at Max Motors Ford in Missouri. This opportunity was seamless as this is the dealership that sponsored Williams throughout the “hands-on” portion of ASSET’s 24-month training.
“I am excited to have a steady job/career with great pay straight out of college!!”
– Ryan Williams, Ford Service Technician
Unlike Mason, Williams is a second-generation ASSET graduate. Williams’ father, Stephen Williams, graduated from the same ASSET location 29 years prior - in 1994. Having a father in the industry inspired Williams to take an interest in this career path.
Stephen and Sandi Williams are very proud of Ryan for finding a career he is passionate about. Ryan’s interest in the automotive field became clear to Stephen once Ryan began driving. He got into minor fender benders, resulting in them getting together to fix his car. Ryan would then start driving his car to his father’s shop after school. His interest in learning how everything worked and then taking the initiative of enrolling in ASSET may have come as a surprise to Ryan’s mom, but it was an obvious route to his father.
“We are very proud of our son in his pursuit to further his education in automotive technology. It is so exciting to share this Ford ASSET experience with him. It is also so great that I know that he was taught by an amazing technician [David Patience] that we have known for over 30 years.” – Stephen Williams, ASSET Alumni
The Ford ASSET program has trained, developed, and driven Jaden and Ryan to begin promising career paths in the automotive service industry. They both did the work and feel prepared to become working technicians at established Ford dealerships. When asked if they would recommend the ASSET program to others, Ryan said yes and that he is already excited to welcome two aspiring technicians that will be sponsored through ASSET and his dealership in the upcoming class.
“I would tell aspiring automotive technicians “to keep your head in the game”
as the ASSET program is so accelerated there is no time for slack!! ”
But, if I can do it, any aspiring technician can!!”
– Ryan Williams, Ford Service Technician
In all, the New Ford Tech ASSET program serves as a launching pad for aspiring technicians to take their skill sets one step further.
Learn more about the ASSET program here.
Locate an ASSET location near you here.